I recently discovered Digg.com
I am sure that most of you have been users (diggers as I believe they are called) of the site for many years. Or at least readers of the site. There are many humorous and not so humorous things on the site. A great place to waste your time I guess.
One thing that is very apparent about the website is that most of the contributors apparently are junvenile or simply immature. Lots of "adult" humor, sexual humor, bathroom humor, anti-establishment humor, anti-god humor, etc. I guess that should be expected given the type of people who actually have time to surf the internet all day find new stuff to submit. There is must rejoicing when one makes the front page or is the first to submit a comment.
Speaking of comments, even more impressive is the comment section. This is where all the diggers get to say things like "Yeah! Right on!", "your right, they really are idiots" or even better "ROTFLMAO" and every other acronym you can imagine.
So for anyone who has not discovered digg.com I highly recommend it. It is twice as funny because of the content and then the people and comments who visit it.
See ya