My spot in the world
Published on November 4, 2008 By LifeSomewhereElse In Politics

What if Obama does win?  I know, I should assume he wins.  Regardless, here is my question.

If Obama wins, can we finally do away with Affirmative Action or United Negro College Fund?  Those programs had a very good purpose.  During a time when demonstratable racism was all around these programs were greatly needed.  But over the years the need for them seems to have gone away.  And now, a black president.  The highest job in the land.  Doesn't that speak volumes as to where we have come?  Isnt it time to end these programs finally?



on Nov 04, 2008

Very interesting question. I would have gone a bit further and ask if we can now believe we are soemwhat beyond racism? Can I expect Black people to be less sensitive about anything they claim is racist? But then all I have to do is look at the article I posted and I can't help but wonder just how much will racism will go away (or increase) once we have Obama as the next President.

on Nov 05, 2008

Affirmative Action certainly had it's place but it is outdated at this point, and to be honest it is a racist program.  I believe Colorado had a ballot initiative to get rid of it but I'm not sure if it passed or not and I don't care enough to look it up.  It would be nice if programs of that ilk would go away, but I doubt they will.

Even with Obama as the President racism is still alive and well in this country unfortunately.  Hell in my state over 20% of voters claimed that race was an issue for them when they cast their ballot, and over 60% of those people voted for McCain.

Hopefully one day we can say that racism is gone and that we are no longer African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, etc. and just all refer to ourselves as Americans.

on Nov 05, 2008

Great question!  One would assume that we could, after all, minorities have now achieved the most powerful position on earth!

Want to bet it only gets re-inforced?

Even with Obama as the President racism is still alive and well in this country unfortunately. Hell in my state over 20% of voters claimed that race was an issue for them when they cast their ballot, and over 60% of those people voted for McCain.

Which means almost 40% voted for Obama - seems to work both ways, and that is called equality.  SO why do some people have to be more equal than others?

on Nov 05, 2008

SO why do some people have to be more equal than others?

I don't think they do.  I personally think Affirmative Action should have been done away with 10-15 years ago.  I don't deny there was a time when we needed to ensure that minorities were getting a fair shake but any more it seems like some people are being put up because of their race when there is a more qualified person that should have gone up (hell sometimes it actually works against minorities).