My spot in the world
Published on November 7, 2008 By LifeSomewhereElse In Current Events

I guess I just dont get it.  You all know the deal, the prop 8 in CA to that defines marriage as between a man and a women.  It seems that tonight that there is a big protest in LA tonight over it (LA, really? huh!)  Personally, I am surprised by the outcome, the stereotypical CA apparently is not what it all cracked up to be.  Anyway, I see that the people have spoken in response to judges making the laws.


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on Nov 08, 2008

They are very angry. They expected a different outcome after dumping bucket loads of money into this.  I can only imagine how bad it would have been had Obama lost.  Riots were expected and promised. 

It doesn't really matter anyhow.  My guess is Obama is going to overrule the state's rights with a Federal decree regarding both abortion and homosexual laws. 

on Nov 08, 2008

They are very angry. They expected a different outcome after dumping bucket loads of money into this.  I can only imagine how bad it would have been had Obama lost.  Riots were expected and promised.

I know you consider gays to be slightly worse than serial killers, but really, I couldn't imagine gays rioting. I would be very surprised if they had it in them.

on Nov 08, 2008

It's tough when there are so many and well organized against you. Gays might start to feel persecuted.

on Nov 10, 2008

LA tonight over it (LA, really? huh!)

Yea, you would have thought it would be SF.

on Nov 10, 2008

Your inability to imagine gays rioting leads me to believe you've bought into the stereotype of gays as little more than effete, flamboyant and feminine males, far too concerned about breaking a nail than they are with human rights as they percieve them.

Maybe a little bit. But they're (probably) less than 10 per cent of the population and militant gays even fewer. You really need some critical mass to get a riot going properly. Otherwise it's more of a brawl, a fracas or a ruckus.

on Nov 10, 2008

You really need some critical mass to get a riot going properly

It might surprise you to know that blacks are only about 12% of the population, and militant blacks a lot smaller percentage.  Are you saying it is inconceivable for blacks to riot?

on Nov 10, 2008

My guess is Obama is going to overrule the state's rights with a Federal decree regarding both abortion and homosexual laws.

Ya, what the Federal, State  and District courts won't hand them on a silver platter, Obama is expected to,  by way of executive order...I read to expect lots of them coming from him.

Only time will tell how much and in what way Obama intends to pay back the special interests (and that's what the "gay" militants are) who will most assuredly be knocking at the White House door.



on Nov 10, 2008

How many more times will it take for gays to realize that even in one of the most liberal states in America, the plain folks are not willing to give up TRADITIONAL marriage just to please a very tiny percentage of the population? Why can't they accept the civil unions and just go away?

on Nov 10, 2008

You all know the deal, the prop 8 in CA to that defines marriage as between a man and a women.

Good article LW....(and btw, I've been keeping you in prayer concerning your upcoming medical needs.)

It sure was good news that California, Florida and Arizona passed amendments to their state constitutions to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. These make 30 states that have done so! The Florida amendment required a 60% vote and they exceeded that and I heard that California passed their amendment by over 500, 000 votes.  So, LIBERAL California isn't so liberal when it comes to setting the record straight as to what constitutes lawful marriage.


on Nov 10, 2008

the plain folks are not willing to give up TRADITIONAL marriage just to please a very tiny percentage of the population? Why can't they accept the civil unions and just go away?

If the law was changed so that YOUR marriage were anulled and deemed illegal by the government, would you just sit down quietly and say

"oh, okay. Sorry, guess I was being a whiner there!"


For one moment please try and put yourself in someone elses shoes.

In case ya didn't know it, these kinds of laws allows the creation of legal discrimination, creating a

two-tiered society

In which you have one set of rules for the "normal folk" and one set of rules for "them"

Them can change, but it's always got to be a specific group like a race, gender, sexual orientation and so forth.

So, you mentioned the "plain" folks, which right now qualifies as what? Men and women in hetero relationships?

What if, down the line, a vote is taken of the populace and states start passing laws that only Christian men and women can legally get married?

Or, due to the fact that we seem to be blaming all of the problems of society on the poor, that you won't be legally able to wed unless both you and your partner each make more than 100 thousand per year??? It makes sense after all, cause  anyone who makes less than 200 K per year combined has got to be too dumb to be allowed to breed and not able to burden the responsibility of marriage right????

No, government should respect marriage between gays, just as they should respect marriage between consenting adults regardless of orientation, race, income, etc etc.

Long story short- the government should have no place in the bedrooms of the nation!!!



on Nov 10, 2008

If the law was changed so that YOUR marriage were anulled and deemed illegal by the government,

If you're referring  to California....

Am I missing something? When was there ever a "law" in California that allowed two people of the same gender to marry in the first place? Since when can California Superior court justices make law?



on Nov 10, 2008

No, government should respect marriage between gays,

No, government should respect the will of the majority of the people...the judicial part of the California government didn't and that's what caused this mess.

on Nov 10, 2008


Why can't they accept the civil unions and just go away?

Good question.

Civil unions in truth are simply "gay marriages" by another name. So it isn't really about equality at all.

It's about 2 things....the effort of a few to radically redefine marriage and their yearning to create a society where all have to not only accept, but to celebrate high risk, unnatural and fruitless homosexual behaviors as normal and equal to natural expressions of human sexuality. Their goal is to have a society that completely eliminates gender distinctions and God's design of human sexuality is replaced by moral relativism.

It's like you said the plain folks just aren't buying it...and many thanks to them.


on Nov 10, 2008

In case ya didn't know it, these kinds of laws allows the creation of legal discrimination, creating a

two-tiered society

No sale. People who describe themselves as homosexual have the same laws as every one else. They have equal rights from the day they were born guaranteed by the state and federal Constitutions. What homosexuals get are the same rights as the rest of us. no more, no less.



on Nov 10, 2008

No sale. People who describe themselves as homosexual have the same laws as every one else. They have equal rights from the day they were born guaranteed by the state and federal Constitutions. What homosexuals get are the same rights as the rest of us. no more, no less.

I tend to agree, and in some ways they have more protection and rights than others, at least in the freedom of speech area.  Someone a post or two back mentioned Civil Unions.  That would be a wonderful idea but that does not seem to be what everyone wants.  Why redefine something when you can get the same benefits via a civil union?  Assuming of course civil unions = marriage in court.

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