My spot in the world
Published on November 7, 2008 By LifeSomewhereElse In Current Events

I guess I just dont get it.  You all know the deal, the prop 8 in CA to that defines marriage as between a man and a women.  It seems that tonight that there is a big protest in LA tonight over it (LA, really? huh!)  Personally, I am surprised by the outcome, the stereotypical CA apparently is not what it all cracked up to be.  Anyway, I see that the people have spoken in response to judges making the laws.


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on Nov 21, 2008


Perhaps there is a cost for a homosexual man marrying a woman?

The reason for a shortened life span and cost is the unhealthy, unnatural sexual practice itself...the body parts don't fit and the only life that comes from same-sex sex is bacteriological.  

Once gay marriage is completely normal and accepted by society we can find out if straight marriage is really better for a long life than gay marriage.


Based upon the civilizing effect and good that flows from traditional marraige, homosexual activists argued that if they were given the same right, they would live longer, stay together and be happier.

Back in 2001, after decriminalizing drug use, legalized brothels, permitted doctors to euthanize their patients, and allowed one of its senators to champion the movement of pedophilia, the Netherlands legalized the novelty of homosexual "marriage".

Homosexual marriage is legal in Massachusetts...some of the first homosexuals to get married are already divorced, fighting over visiting rights, etc.

The facts and figures are coming isn't good. Why did the presence of a long term partner have no positive or actually shorten the life span of homosexuals? The best we can do is speculate with facts as we know them to be and that is that even "married" homosexuals lack fidelty and with infidelity comes stress, unhappiness, depression, suicide, as well as the chances of disease is greater.

Other studies show that coupled homosexuals tend to engage in more risky, unprotected sexual activity than those without a steady partner.

on Nov 21, 2008

Perhaps there is a cost for a homosexual man marrying a woman?
The reason for a shortened life span and cost is the unhealthy, unnatural sexual practice itself...

Proved where and when?  Again, just beacause (or even if) same sex couples have reduced life span in no proves that it is the sexual activity that causes that reduction.  Have the studies looked at couple that practice anal sex against those that don't?


Homosexual marriage is legal in Massachusetts...some of the first homosexuals to get married are already divorced, fighting over visiting rights, etc.

and?  Are there no hetrosexual marrigages from eight years ago that are also splitting up?


The facts and figures are coming isn't good.

From where?  Are they of the 'quality' that you posted before?

on Nov 21, 2008

I'm talking about the benefits conferred upon citizens by the STATE, and those benefits should be conferred to ALL citizens, regardless of sexual persuasion.)


Gays are citizens, and as such, should be entitled to all the sanctions of the State as any other citizen, and that includes marriage.

By way of anti-discrimination based upon sexual orientation laws, same sex health benefits, domestic partnership laws and civil unions of which California has all inplace, name one marriage entitlement that they don't already have...other than the name of "marriage".

Please enlighten us to the difference between homosexual rights and the rights of the rest of us? Under the Constitutions we all have the same rights as human beings. They are citizens, they are human beings, they get the same rights as the rest of more, no less.

What you and they are asking for is "special rights"..... but how absurd is it for society to treat those who voluntarily adopt an unnatural sexual option as if they were clearly defined from birth as members of an ethnic group are after having introduced us all to fatal diseases through their unsanitary doings?



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