My spot in the world
From a appreciative American
Published on November 10, 2008 By LifeSomewhereElse In Current Events

When I came home from work tonight I caught the end of the national news. It was a segment about something called "Highway of Hero's" that exists in Canada.  You see, since the War on Terror began in Afghanistan Canada has lost around 70+ soldiers.  As I understand there is a long drive to the grave site and it has become something of a tradition for many Canadians to line the highway and overpasses in respect.

My point of the matter is this.  I never really realized the sacrifice that others have made in support of the United States during these wars.  Sure, I have heard that we had help and that there were deaths but it did not really hit me until tonight when I saw the grieving families, wives, children and friends of the fallen.  I would be lying if I said that it did not touch me deeply.

I do not want to get into whether the wars are just or unjust. That is not the point, every war has those who say it was not necessary even WWII.  Rather, I would just like to say to Canada, and the other countries, thanks for being there for us, supporting us and the sacrifices you have made.  Thank you!


on Nov 11, 2008

I dont think it is "in support of the US", but rather an acknowledgement that it affects all of us, both the sacrafices and the benefits.

on Nov 11, 2008

oh I agree.  I did not mean to imply they are standing on the bridge in support of the US. Rather that the country as a whole supports the US which is why they are in the war.  Sorry for the confusion.

on Nov 14, 2008

I thought Canada was there to help the people of Afghanistan (and NATO commitment).

If you are interested, there is a report written by the Canadian government called "Canadian Troops in Afghanistan: A Hard Look at a Hard Mission."   I thought this has been the clearest explanation of what Canada thinks it is doing in Afghanistan and the challenges it faces.  The writing is also very easy to read which was a pleasant surprise. It was written in 2007 but still worth a read.

There is a fairly small contingent of Canadians there according to this July 2008 article from CBC.

However, I can see why you are surprised.  I was looking at this article in the NY Times  written in May 2008 and lots of countries are mentioned but not Canada.

on Nov 14, 2008

I thought Canada was there to help the people of Afghanistan (and NATO commitment).

If you are interested, there is a report written by the Canadian government called "Canadian Troops in Afghanistan: A Hard Look at a Hard Mission."   I thought this has been the clearest explanation of what Canada thinks it is doing in Afghanistan and the challenges it faces.  The writing is also very easy to read which was a pleasant surprise. It was written in 2007 but still worth a read.

There is a fairly small contingent of Canadians there according to this July 2008 article from CBC.

However, I can see why you are surprised.  I was looking at this article in the NY Times  written in May 2008 and lots of countries are mentioned but not Canada.

on Nov 14, 2008

Weird double post.  sorry.