When I came home from work tonight I caught the end of the national news. It was a segment about something called "Highway of Hero's" that exists in Canada. You see, since the War on Terror began in Afghanistan Canada has lost around 70+ soldiers. As I understand there is a long drive to the grave site and it has become something of a tradition for many Canadians to line the highway and overpasses in respect.
My point of the matter is this. I never really realized the sacrifice that others have made in support of the United States during these wars. Sure, I have heard that we had help and that there were deaths but it did not really hit me until tonight when I saw the grieving families, wives, children and friends of the fallen. I would be lying if I said that it did not touch me deeply.
I do not want to get into whether the wars are just or unjust. That is not the point, every war has those who say it was not necessary even WWII. Rather, I would just like to say to Canada, and the other countries, thanks for being there for us, supporting us and the sacrifices you have made. Thank you!