My spot in the world
LifeSomewhereElse's Articles In Current Events
November 17, 2008 by LifeSomewhereElse
Let me start by simply stating that I only recently learned of this term and what I think it means.  As I understand net neutrality is a desire by some to pass laws that prevent ISP from throttling bandwidth and/or blocking access to areas of the internet.  If I am wrong at that, some please let me know. Now, here is the part I do not get.  As I read it, the Dems and Obama are for passing net neutrality legislation that would prohibit ISP's from imposing the limits ment...
November 10, 2008 by LifeSomewhereElse
When I came home from work tonight I caught the end of the national news. It was a segment about something called "Highway of Hero's" that exists in Canada.  You see, since the War on Terror began in Afghanistan Canada has lost around 70+ soldiers.  As I understand there is a long drive to the grave site and it has become something of a tradition for many Canadians to line the highway and overpasses in respect. My point of the matter is this.  I never really realized the s...
November 7, 2008 by LifeSomewhereElse
I guess I just dont get it.  You all know the deal, the prop 8 in CA to that defines marriage as between a man and a women.  It seems that tonight that there is a big protest in LA tonight over it (LA, really? huh!)  Personally, I am surprised by the outcome, the stereotypical CA apparently is not what it all cracked up to be.  Anyway, I see that the people have spoken in response to judges making the laws.  
April 24, 2008 by LifeSomewhereElse
Sigh, Well after thumbing his nose at the leaders of the country and going on his own in an attempt to forment peace in the middle-east it has become clear that former President Carter has accomplished nothing.  Nothing more than wasting taxpayer money on his little junket.  Maybe he is getting a little senile or maybe he is searching for relevance but whatever the reason at least he did not get killed for his foolishness. No, instead of forging anything he was simply used by o...